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When I moved to Chicago, one of the first people I met was Mae the Bellydancer.  She offered to give me dance lessons, and became one of my closest friends.  I just love photographing dancers, especially bellydancers.  I recently had the honor of photographing some of Chicago’s loveliest bellydancers at Helping Hips,  a fundraiser to … Continue reading


Ok, full disclosure.  My husband and I met at a Funkadesi concert, so in addition to just enjoying their awesome music, I feel like they’re a special band for my own personal reasons.  In any case, they are also very photogenic and a great band to shoot, and really a Chicago treasure.  So check ’em … Continue reading


When I was in college, I spent a summer in Seoul, South Korea.  While there, I got to play in a Korean percussion group, and my future in ethnomusicology was cemented.  So  I was super excited when I found out that Dulsori, a Korean percussion ensemble, would be playing in Chicago.  They were full of … Continue reading


Whenever I get the chance, I like to explore the natural world through my camera lens.  Here are a few from the archives: